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美國國會議員史考特佩里(Scott Perry) 提出立法支持香港人民捍衛自由民主。佩里是眾議院外交事務委員會的高級成員,並任職於亞洲、太平洋和防止核擴散小組委員會。佩里在2020年5月19日向眾議院推出《香港自由法》,該法案授權美國總統承認香港是一個獨立國家。目前該法案還在等待眾議院外交事務委員會審議。


佩里說:“本周,香港人民遭受了自1997年以來對香港自由自治的最大攻擊。中共推出了影響深遠的《國家安全法》,無非是另一種鎮壓香港人民來維護中共政權的企圖。中共這一行為完全不可接受,並且違背了《中英聯合聲明》中最基本的“一國兩制”原則。中共正在違背自己的法律協議,而我推出的《香港自由法》將授權美國政府作出回應。對香港自由的攻擊就是對全世界民主與獨立的攻擊,美國將繼續支持香港人民和他們對絕對自由民主的訴求, 美國不能容忍中共對香港權利的進一步侵蝕。我們將繼續引領國際社會譴責中共的行為。“



Perry Introduces Legislation Supporting Hong Kong’s Democracy and Freedom

Washington, May 22, 2020

Congressman Scott Perry (PA-10) introduced legislation to stand with the people of Hong Kong and support their fight for freedom and democracy.

“This week, the people of Hong Kong experienced the greatest attack on their freedoms and autonomy since 1997, with the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) introduction of a far-reaching national security law – which is nothing more than another attempt to oppress the citizens of Hong Kong in order to preserve CCP’s power in Beijing. China’s actions are wholly unacceptable, and violate the very foundation of the Sino-British Declaration and the “one party, two systems” principle. The CCP is breaking its own legal agreement, and my legislation, the Hong Kong Freedom Act, will authorize the United States government to respond. America will continue to support the people of Hong Kong and their quest for absolute freedom and democracy,” said Perry.

H.R. 6947 – the Hong Kong Freedom Act - authorizes the President of the United States to recognize Hong Kong as a separate, independent country.

During a meeting of the National People’s Congress in Beijing this week, the CCP proposed an expansive national security law for Hong Kong – to ban subversion of CCP power, secession, foreign influence, and terrorism. The law is the latest attack on Hong Kong’s independence by Mainland China, and a further erosion of Hong Kong’s freedoms and autonomy. Last year, Hong Kong experienced six months of mass protest over a bill that would’ve allowed for the arrest and extradition of Hong Kong residents and foreign visitors to Mainland China.

“An attack on Hong Kong’s freedoms is an attack on democracy and independence across the world. The United States cannot tolerate a further erosion of Hong Kong’s rights, and we’ll continue to lead the international community in condemning China’s actions,” said Perry.

Perry is a senior Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and serves on the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and Nonproliferation. The Hong Kong Freedom Act awaits consideration by the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

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