于美国罗得岛州天道(Providence)市 • 注:参与签名者,并不等于认可自己是中国民主党党员;参与签名者,并不等于认可自己是中国公民 • _______________________________________________________________ 你们的英名将永远地镌刻在《中国第三共和宣言》的庄严的宣言书上 (2007年4月15日-6月4日) ______________________________________________________ Declaration of China’s Third Republic June 4, 2007 We shall pursue the spirit and tradition of the leaders of the Revolution of 1911 and their creation of “Asia’s First Republic.” We shall acknowledge and respect the 1946 People’s Constitutional Convention and the establishment of the Second Republic. And we solemnly declare our aspiration to build a Third Republic based on the principles of freedom, equality, human rights and constitutional democracy. First Party Congress of the China Democracy Party United Headquarters – Overseas Division Providence, Rhode Island, United States Note: being a signatory of this declaration does not imply member status of the China Democracy Party or Chinese citizenship status. __________________________________________________ Your name will be forever inscribed onto the “Declaration of China’s Third Republic” (April 15, 2007 – June 4, 2007) If the “Declaration of China’s Third Republic” is adopted at the First Party Congress of the China Democracy Party United Headquarters – Overseas Division on June 4, 2007, our aspiration to build a Third Republic will become our Party’s highest guiding principle, the sacred mission of all Party members, and the banner of victory for our Party and its supporters as we build China’s Third Republic. If you are interested in becoming a signatory of this declaration, please email your request to: xwl1943@gmail.com Organization Committee First Party Congress of the China Democracy Party United Headquarters – Overseas Division 二OO七年六月四日二十五名正式会议代表起立举手表决,除一弃权,通过将《中国第三共和宣言》列入该党重要纲领之一。
贵党不怎么活跃啊。怎么保证实现 自由均富、人权平等、宪政民主啊?孙中山有五权政治架构,贵党有什么办法?